The Ultimate Guide to Healing Meditation
Practicing meditation can balance the energy in our body, unblocking energy flow so that all bodily systems work in harmony. Bodhi Meditation has various meditation practices that can help you to quickly replenish your vitality and enhance the growth of positive energy.
Come and learn to relax the body and mind, replenish energy quickly, relieve fatigue and pain, and also improve sleep quality with healing meditation today!
What is Healing Meditation?
Research on the correlation between meditation and science has attested that meditation does indeed improve the physical and mental well-being of people from all walks of life, including working adults, housewives and students.
The benefits include reduced obesity and better health, stress relief and improved concentration, as well as stimulation of their creativity and imagination.1
Are you ready to make a change by learning about healing meditation? We welcome you to join us and have an experience in achieving a relaxed body and cleansed mind!

How to Use Healing Meditation to Heal the Mind, Body, and Soul
The world is composed of myriad trace elements. They are invisible, many times smaller than microorganisms and bacteria. Just like a vehicle that emits light or sound when it requires servicing, organic organisms emit signals when they are in need of nutrients.
Our brain is like a supercomputer which can automatically detect the body’s needs. There are times when the body has a particular need, such as to eat a cucumber.
The fastest neuron will detect the need and send a signal to the brain, telling you to consume the vegetable. The body possesses deep wisdom, and it is capable of communicating its needs in all kinds of subtle ways.
Our bodies want to feel Mother Earth. When we are exhausted, we crave contact with sand or water. If you long to relax in a natural setting, it may be because your body needs certain nutrients that Nature provides.
Grandmaster JinBodhi once said: “Sunlight can be changed into electrical energy. Water vapor and gases in the air can transform each other. Substances can be transformed into gases, and gases into matter.” Likewise, negative emotions can be transformed into positive energy.
Our mental stress and the body’s illnesses can be transformed into peace and good health through meditation, which applies the concept from Buddha’s teachings that “form is emptiness and emptiness is form.”
Things do not remain constant and people do not live in one form eternally. Everything gives and receives impact.
Meditation helps us gain physical and mental health by bringing us into a state of tranquility which fully connects us to the peaceful essence of Nature.
Thus, practitioners of meditation become wiser and happier. Deep contemplation enables us to transcend our mundane thinking. When we dwell in peace, we tap into the healing wisdom of Mother Earth.

Guided Healing Meditation
Bodhi Meditation’s meditation practices strengthen your body’s energy, helping you regain health. Our practices are known to be especially adopted in complementing medical treatment for rehabilitation and sustaining the overall quality of physical and mental health.
By learning the principles behind meditation, one can also find a deep sense of self-awareness, allowing you to gain a clearer perspective on the world and a greater understanding of the Law of Nature.
Heightened self-awareness leads to better capability at handling challenges, maintaining harmony in the family, and creating a successful career.
Through meditation and spiritual cultivation, one accumulates merit and thereby transforms daily life into a path of freedom and auspiciousness!
Which healing meditation suits you best?
Looking to rapidly regain health? The Meditation of Greater Illumination
The Meditation of Greater Illumination is a comprehensive, dynamic meditation technique, incorporating hand-forms (mudras), visualization, mantra chanting, and meditative motion.
It is a way of quickly replenishing one’s energy and regaining vitality while strengthening one’s immunity, thus promoting health.
The Meditation of Greater Illumination purifies the mind and body, tames all troubling thoughts, and calms the mind. It instills rational thoughts and inspires the spiritual mind, guiding the practitioner to realize their true nature. It brings clarity to the mind, enabling one to discover their innate nature and wisdom.
Follow along as Grandmaster JinBodhi guides you through the practice of The Meditation of Greater Illumination.
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Looking for clarity and peace? The Meditation of Purity
The Meditation of Purity is a simple and easily acquired practice that guides practitioners into a state of pure tranquility.
You only need to prepare a little before settling into your meditation. It is a seated meditation with visualization.
Relax your whole body first, so that you are carrying no detectable stress or worry in your muscles, face or posture. Say to yourself, “Now I will meditate and even if the sky should fall to the earth, I will pay it no mind.”
Turn off all your devices and put them away. Put on some loose, comfortable clothing and settle in a spot that is conducive to calm.
If you sit in meditation like that for half an hour every day, it will be of enormous benefit to your health and your life in general.
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Looking to de-stress, relax, and recharge? The Meditation of Bone Melting
Allow Grandmaster JinBodhi’s empowering voice and soothing music in The Meditation of Bone Melting to melt away your stress and worries.
As our body dissolves into nothingness, we become relaxed, calm and peaceful; we enter a state of bliss, an amazing experience of formlessness. Bestow upon your body and mind the gift of this Divine state before sleeping or proceeding to another seated meditation.
Curious about the true meaning of bone melting? In this short dharma teaching, Grandmaster JinBodhi would tell a magical story, uncovering the mystery of bone melting!
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Looking to unleash your full potential? The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom
The Medicine of Awakening Wisdom, one of the core practices of Bodhi Meditation, facilitates the unleashing of human potential.
Immerse yourself in soothing and joyful music, and allow Grandmaster JinBodhi to guide you into a deep state of meditation which enables you to connect with Universal energy, become one with Nature and attain enlightenment.
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Healing Meditation Classes and Retreats
Our meditation classes and retreats incorporate healing meditation, allowing you to leave behind the distractions of daily life and channel your attention inward to reset and recharge your mind, body, and life.

Bodhi Meditation offers a range of classes and retreats:
Bodhi Meditation Health & Happiness Retreat
Looking for an easy way to learn methods that replenish energy quickly, improve suboptimal health, strengthen physical condition, and regulate emotions?
In this Health & Happiness Retreat you will learn core Bodhi Meditation practices and listen to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s dharma teachings.
Health & Happiness Retreat allows you to obtain energy which purifies and transforms your body and mind, as well as apply newfound knowledge to your everyday life.
Let’s step on this journey towards a healthy and joyful lifestyle!
Bodhi Meditation Chanting Retreat
There are many ways to cultivate good fortune, and chanting is one of the fastest and most effective ways of doing so. Chanting with Grandmaster JinBodhi can help you quickly connect with the auspicious energy of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas.
Through chanting, we learn gratitude and reverence which in turn open our mind and replenish energy; through understanding causality, we become wiser in our actions, transforming our fate.
Bodhi Meditation Stress Relief Retreat
Stress Relief Retreat is designed for busy people – perfect for working adults, students, busy moms, and anyone looking to improve their health and energy levels.
Wish your life was stress free? Join our meditation retreat to reduce stress, revitalize your body and mind, and take care of your mental and emotional well-being.
Bodhi Meditation Energy Blessing
The best way to obtain health in body and mind is through self-cultivation. Communicating with the compassionate energy of the Universe can stimulate the body’s own healing power.
Bodhi Meditation’s Energy Blessing uses esoteric dharma methods taught by Grandmaster JinBodhi which are accompanied by specialized healing music; this combination can help to clear blockages, relax the meridians, relieve pain, promote balance, and encourage holistic health and happiness.
The Benefits of Healing Meditation
Indonesia | Qing Huan: My Knees Are Young Again
Starting in 2012, my knees hurt constantly. According to my doctor, the pain was caused by the degeneration of knee cartilage (osteoarthritis) and knee replacement surgery was the only solution.
The pain was excruciating, like needles pricking my knees.I also suffered from abdominal bloating and nausea for 15 years. Any disruption to my eating patterns or emotional balance would cause extreme discomfort.
In June 2015 I attended the 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat. While practicing The Meditation of Greater Illumination, I suddenly felt dizzy and sweaty and my stomach was seized by pain. After a bout of diarrhea, my body relaxed. I felt as if I’d been cleansed on a deep level.
Over the next five days I experienced spontaneous fasting, a phenomenon during meditation that allowed me to go with little water and food for many days consecutively and still feel energetic and comfortable. Since then, I have not experienced any digestive symptoms.
Bodhi Meditation helps me experience an extraordinary sense of wellness and peace.I am more passionate about the people and things around me. My friends and family have commented on my youthful energy and radiant appearance.

Los Angeles | Bei Nuan: Unbearable Eczema Gone
For more than two decades, I suffered from itchy legs. Although applying anti-itch ointment soothes the itchiness, yet the relief was temporary. I tried many different ways to stop the itch but none could relieve my agony.
The skin on my legs had darkened and hardened due to years of using the cream.It was like a thick layer of calluses, and the dry skin frequently peeled off. In the summer, I could not wear dresses or skirts as my legs were too unsightly.
In 2013, I enrolled in the 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat. The practitioners made me feel welcome and at ease. Through the retreat, I developed a keen interest in meditation.
Toward the end of 2014, I found that the itch flare ups were less frequent. By 2015, my legs did not feel itchy at all. The darkened patches on my legs began to fade and the skin became softer.
In 2016, I was completely free of itchy eczema. No words could describe my happiness. I want to pass on the warmth I’ve received to all those around me.