The Ultimate Guide to Morning Meditation

Getting your morning started off the right way is extremely important. Setting a positive mindset before even stepping into the office can help to build the right momentum and be productive for the whole day.

How should we start the day? Should morning meditation be part of the routine before diving into various to-do-lists?

What is Morning Meditation?

An ancient saying goes: ‘Early to bed, early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’ People have always believed that morning is the most productive time of the day as one’s mind is fresh and replenished.

The first word which comes to mind when you think of ‘morning’ would be breakfast. Breakfast is often known as the most important meal of the day as it would replenish the energy and nutrients in the body.

If you are starting your day with a tall glass of water and a nutritious breakfast, you are on the right track to a beautiful morning!

morning meditation

How can we take care of our mental health in the mornings? How can we feed our minds and our souls to make sure we start the day off right? You might be missing out on one routine: morning meditation.

Choosing the morning to practice can be a great way to cultivate the habit of daily meditation practice. Starting your day with morning meditation can gently release grogginess and help set the perfect tone for a positive day!

Of course, you can meditate at any time of day, just make sure you aren’t too hungry or too full, as both can affect our concentration and perception.

Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words are self-affirmations perfect for establishing a positive attitude in the morning that will bring about a beautiful day.

Choose the words most touching to you and say them to yourself every morning, or read the Golden Words aloud one to three times daily, preferably early in the day.

Bathe yourself in the light of confidence and power and live to fulfill your life purpose.

The Benefits of Morning Meditation

Early morning is the perfect time to meditate as the world around you is still calm and quiet, allowing you to have some alone time, to go deep into a meditative state. A consistent morning meditation routine can improve the overall quality of life.

Increase Your Well-Being

By practicing meditation, it can help to increase personal well-being. The available classes at Bodhi Meditation College would guide you to practice meditation and quickly improve your wellbeing.

With guided music and visualization, it allows you to relax the body and mind, replenish energy quickly, relieve fatigue and pain, and also improve sleep quality.

At the same time, it can contribute to overall health and wellness enhancement as it can eliminate distracting thoughts and negative emotions in order to give us peace of mind and body.

Enhances Your Awareness

Meditation teaches you to be conscious of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, to better understand and detach from them. It is easier to control and alleviate negative thoughts, as well as build a greater appreciation for every moment you experience.

The increased self-awareness and abundance of clarity from a morning practice will help you better navigate the day with skill and ease.

To perceive yourself and your surroundings in a more wholesome, present-moment manner.

morning meditation

Canada | Sadaf: Rejuvenating My Body and Spirit

One day, while I was bending down to pick up a laundry basket, I felt my back stiffen and a moment later, I couldn’t move at all. Family members immediately called for the help of paramedics. The doctor told me it was lumbar-disc herniation. This condition caused intense pressure on my nerves, leading to excruciating pain in my lower back.

My life seemed to be in total darkness: no hope, no future. I lost my usual vigor and liveliness. Confined at home, I had to lie on the floor most of the time. Due to immobility, I gained 13 kilograms during this period.

Five years after injuring my back, I discovered Bodhi Meditation’s 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat. By the end of the retreat, 70 percent of my pain had abated. After the meditation retreat, when I did get the pain occasionally, I always recovered within two days. It was unlike in the past where the pain would persist for two weeks. My body feels rejuvenated. I am deeply grateful to Grandmaster JinBodhi.

USA | Ping Huang: A Renewed Life

I worked the night shift at a post office from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. My nocturnal lifestyle resulted in constant fatigue. Consequently, my health started showing signs of deterioration. In 2007, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease while high blood pressure, insomnia, and pain came along too.

My hands and legs were weak and trembling. I relied on a walking cane and had to be extremely careful on the roads and in crowded places. Due to this inconvenience, I stayed at home most of the time. My days were spent weeping and feeling depressed. Thoughts of suicide ran rampant in my head.

In July 2015, I joined the 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat. Initially, my legs were so weak that I couldn’t stand. My body ached to the extent that I had to sit on a chair to practice The Meditation of Greater Illumination. At the end of the retreat, I could stand to practice The Meditation of Greater Illumination and was able to walk an hour of Energy Bagua, and I could get up from a meditation cushion by myself. My sleeping hours doubled from three to almost seven hours a night without the aid of sleeping pills.

My daily practice includes The Meditation of Greater Illumination, Energy Bagua and full prostration. As my health continues to show improvement and I can move with ease without a cane, I am filled with joy and happiness.

morning meditation

Mantra for Morning Meditation

Mantras come in a variety of forms. Mantra is the language we use to connect, transmit and receive energy, and communicate with deities directly.

Grandmaster JinBodhi’s mantras convey the all-encompassing energy of compassion that has deeply calming and inspirational effects on listeners.

Through these powerful aural manifestations of Divine energy, one experiences tranquility and joy, essential components of good health.

Simply start by sitting cross-legged on a mat, gently close your eyes and chant sincerely.

morning meditation

Mantra for Positivity and Purity

This mantra is thought to spiritually unite Heaven, Earth and humankind, mobilizing all manner of matter and Universal energy to help us attain wisdom.

You can visualise your body with a tube of illumination running through the center. Like a fluorescent tube, it will glow brightly. As we chant, the light intensifies and the positive effect of the mantra’s energy is magnified.

In this video, Grandmaster JinBodhi will share more information on how to chant The Six-Syllable Mantra. Let us follow and listen to the guidance of Grandmaster JinBodhi; learn to chant these celestial sounds; bathe in purity, ease and illumination; be joyful, happy and free from illnesses and afflictions.

Mantra for Peace and Energy

Sing along with Guru Rinpoche’s Heart Mantra, part of Grandmaster JinBodhi’s free Healing Music Series.

Across time and space, the graceful lilt of this powerful healing mantra flows to the listener’s heart. Enter a deep state of peace as you listen or sing along.

Let this healing energy bring you into a deep state of peace and relieve your stress, improve sleep, awaken spiritually and enhance longevity.

Let the music immerse you in light and energy, bring about health and wellness, purify your heart and mind, and awaken your inner wisdom.

Guided Morning Meditation Videos

Bodhi Meditation advocates utilizing meditation to boost energy, inspire compassion, and relax the body and mind to achieve lasting tranquility, good health and happiness.

By learning the principles behind guided meditation, one can also find a deep sense of self-awareness which allows one to gain a clearer perspective on the world and a greater understanding of the laws of nature.

Heightened self-awareness leads to better capability at handling challenges, maintaining harmony in the family and creating a successful career,transforming daily life into a path of freedom and auspiciousness.

Get energized quickly in the morning – The Meditation of Greater Illumination

The Meditation of Greater Illumination is a comprehensive, dynamic meditation technique, incorporating hand-forms (mudras), visualization, mantra chanting, and meditative motion.

It is a way of quickly replenishing one’s energy and regaining vitality while strengthening one’s immunity, thus promoting health.

The Meditation of Greater Illumination purifies the mind and body, tames all troubling thoughts, and calms the mind.

It instills rational thoughts and inspires the spiritual mind, guiding the practitioner to realize their true nature. It brings clarity to the mind, enabling one to discover their innate nature and wisdom.

Follow along as Grandmaster JinBodhi guides you through the practice of The Meditation of Greater Illumination.

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morning meditation

Gain clarity and peace with morning meditation – The Meditation of Purity

The Meditation of Purity is a simple and easily acquired practice that guides practitioners into a state of pure tranquility.

You only need to prepare a little before settling into your meditation. It is a seated meditation with visualization.

Relax your whole body first, so that you are carrying no detectable stress or worry in your muscles, face or posture. Say to yourself, “Now I will meditate and even if the sky should fall to the earth, I will pay it no mind.”

Turn off all your devices and put them away. Put on some loose, comfortable clothing and settle in a spot that is conducive to calm.

If you sit in meditation like that for half an hour every day, it will be of enormous benefit to your health and your life in general.

MP3 Audio Purchase:

morning meditation

Replenish energy and awaken wisdom – Prostration

Prostration is a self-cultivation exercise which can effectively develop wisdom and health, regardless of race, religion or age. It is easy to learn yet creates obvious positive results.

Within the flow of movement in prostration, the gentle exercise increases oxygen intake and flow to the heart, the brain and through the entire body, leaving one feeling refreshed and invigorated. The practitioner would feel energised and is able to work more efficiently and effectively.

In this video, Grandmaster JinBodhi teaches this ancient Buddhist practice through step-by-step instructions and explains its many benefits.