24 Positive Morning Affirmations to Use Everyday

Recite “Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words” out loud every morning to fill your day with positive energy.

Many of our troubles arise from one thought.

When negative emotions arise inexplicably, think to yourself:

I am the happiest! I use compassion to conquer the world!

Immediately, happiness and self-confidence arise.

This is called changing your perspective.

Your ideal life starts with one thought.

The Secret of Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words

Everyone has unique gifts and their own life purpose. We all have strengths and weaknesses. So how do we identify our life purpose and shine our talents with the greatest lifeforce? The secret is in Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words.

The Origins of Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words

When we’re faced with setbacks – from problems at work and home to illness and loss – what mindset gives us strength and encouragement? Watch “The Mantra of Life” to tap into infinite power and create miracles in your life.

Positive Self Affirmations: Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words

Recite loudly, daily, in front of a mirror:

1. Self-Confidence
1) I am most compassionate.
2) I am most confident.
3) I am most tolerant.
4) I am most courageous.
5) I am most trustworthy.
6) I am most punctual.
7) I can do anything.

2. The Power of Knowledge
1) I am full of wisdom.
2) I am most knowledgeable.
3) I love to read.
4) I love to observe.
5) I love to listen.
6) I love to think.
7) I take decisive action.

3. Life Purpose
1) I am a gem of the Universe.
2) I am most charming.
3) I am most talented.
4) I sing most beautifully.
5) I love challenges.
6) I am most accountable.
7) I will fulfill my life purpose.

4. The Life Mantra
In Heaven and on Earth, I am Supreme!
In Heaven and on Earth, I am Supreme!
In Heaven and on Earth, I am Supreme!


What Are Affirmations? Understanding the Golden Words

Why these words of affirmation? What do these affirmations mean?

At first, you may feel uncomfortable with the Golden Words’ inclusion of the word “most” – “I am most courageous,” etc. You may think: “I know I’m not the most courageous…” This thought leads your attention outside, to comparing with others.

However, the key to the Golden Words is to speak to yourself, affirming that you can live to your full capacity – that is what “most” means.

Beyond a daily self-reminder though, the Golden Words have special powers of transformation. Intention has karmic power, as does action; positive intention carries positive power and negative intention carries negative power.

When we send positive intentions into the Universe and to our inner self, we connect Universal and individual energy. In connecting these frequencies, we become what we intend.

How to use affirmations?

Choose the words most touching to you and say them to yourself every morning. Establishing a positive attitude in the morning will bring about a beautiful day. Or read the whole text aloud one to three times daily, preferably early in the day. Bathe yourself in the light of confidence and power and live to fulfill your life purpose.

Related Article: Grandmaster JinBodhi’s meditation quotes for wisdom and positive energy

Who should read affirmations?

Grandmaster JinBodhi originally created the Golden Words as self-affirmations for his meditation students who lacked confidence and courage, and feel depressed. If you feel like you need more positive energy or self-confidence in your life, try out the Golden Words.

Do Affirmations Work? Golden Words Student Testimonials

Hu Wen | Indonesia: Empowered by the Golden Words
I was always an introverted person, too shy to ask for help when I encountered challenges. I recited Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words daily and quickly came out of my shell. This source of compassionate positive energy boosted my self-confidence so much that I was able to speak Mandarin (my second language) in front of a group of people! → Keep Reading

Shawn Gong | Vancouver: Turning My Life Around

In my thirties, I suddenly ran out of energy. I felt too tired after work to play with my kids or spend time with my wife. My confidence faded when they complained every time I had to turn them down.

My family had always wanted to travel to the United States for a vacation. To them, it was easy: Dad drives an hour across the border – presto! To me, however, it was mission impossible: What if we get lost? What if the car breaks down? What if the hotel is full? What if…? 

Reading the Golden Words every day helped me work up the courage to finally take my family on vacation. I kept repeating to myself “I am most confident” and “I am most courageous.

The two-day trip turned out wonderfully: the scenery was beautiful, the kids were happy, everybody was safe and the car worked well. On the way home, as my kids and wife slept peacefully, a voice rang in my mind: “I can do anything.” Yes, I did it! I can do it! A warm glow of pride filled my heart and tears ran down my smiling face.

Learn About Affirmations · Grandmaster JinBodhi

In this short video, Grandmaster JinBodhi awakens the positive energy in our hearts. Through these seemingly simple short sentences, Grandmaster bestows us with auspicious and bright energy. If you can recite sincerely and loudly along with Grandmaster, perhaps your life can become extraordinary!

The Power of One Thought · Grandmaster JinBodhi Teaching

Do you wake up feeling the same every day? Regardless of dreams, for no good reason, some days we wake up feeling unhappy, others we wake up unreasonably overjoyed.

But if you learn from me, even on the days you don’t feel so happy, we will read the Golden Words. I am most compassionate; I am most confident. It instantly transforms us, allowing us to experience a perfect, confident state.

Sometimes we wake up happy, other days we are randomly upset. A year has 365 days; but many people will wake up unhappy for 300 days, like people who are depressed. I have a six-year-old neighbor, every morning he wakes up crying for his mom and dad. When asked why he always cried or if he wasn’t feeling well, he said no, expressionless. His grandma said, okay baby, I will fry some eggs for you and give you some yummy food, but he kept crying. He was just born to have this sadness. Very strange, right? If people are always sad, it could be because of illness or karmic debt.

But one day, people like this might suddenly become enlightened! I’m going to cry, but I don’t want to, this is just my heart making me feel sad. The demons in my mind are tricking me. My karmic debt is playing tricks on me. Instead, they think: I am a compassionate person. I am a happy person. I will conquer the world with compassion.

In doing this, I turn my thoughts around. What are thoughts? Just a tiny point in our consciousness. That point, for example, is feeling unreasonably upset in the morning. But suddenly, I turn my thought around. Grandmaster said, I am most happy! I am most confident! I am most compassionate! I sing most beautifully! I will conquer the world with compassion! When we think these thoughts, our sadness and self-pity disappears.

Many of us struggle with managing our emotions, easily taking a negative perspective on the things that happen in life. But do happy people only encounter good things? Actually, yes. They see the good in everything.

Sad people see the negative side of everything instead. They complain – God, why is life so unfair to me? But if you are able to think like this, you are already doing well. You are still able to think. Do you know how many people are unable to have this level of cognition? You don’t know of the people who have it worse than you.

So with one thought, one idea, one intention – I am a happy person – you can resolve your annoyed mood. So when you wake up in a bad mood, tell yourself: I’m not suffering, I’m happy. Immediately you will feel better. Telling ourselves we are happy will make us feel happy. Many people don’t know this. Many people haven’t learned this method.

Instead, we often think: there must be a reason for my sorrow. So and so made fun of me, I need to go on a diet but I can’t lose the weight. I must be the saddest person in the world! We find all the reasons to feel sorry for ourselves, and no paths to liberation. We get attached to the concept of sadness, and come up with a specific reason for our emotions, rather than understanding that we can change them. The deeper you go into a situation like this, the more you will fall into it.

Please understand this: this phenomenon is due to our karmic debt. But it’s like fog: brush it aside, and you will see the sunshine. Adopt this attitude and understanding. Grasp firmly onto your thoughts, and learn to direct your emotions in accordance.


Excerpt from Grandmaster’s “Learning the Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra (Part 6) Livestream