Meditation for Immunity

Meditation for Immunity

The immune system is a critical defense mechanism in the human body, protecting us against foreign and harmful substances. Rather than relying on medication for health preservation, a strong and healthy immune system is always the favourable option.

Meditation for Immunity: About the Immune System

The human body possesses an astonishing capacity to heal and renew itself.1 Our body is capable of dealing with common illnesses such as cold, flu, and fevers, as well as small cuts, diarrhea, ulcers, mild elevations of cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar.

The scope of our self-healing mechanisms is wide ranging: from our immune system to our stress-response system and our respiratory system. The immune system takes up a crucial role in protecting the human body, fighting against harmful germs and viruses in our environment.

Studies have shown that modern lifestyle along with technological advancement have affected the physical and psychological health of individuals.2 This is mainly due to  bad habits such as irregular meals, overworking, staying up late, smoking, excessive drinking and high amount of screen time, as well as poor air and water quality. These factors have negatively impacted our immune system, making us weak and vulnerable to ill-health.

Be reminded that our lifestyle choices and habits would have a significant impact on the body’s immune system. Similar to a domino effect, lifestyle and health are interconnected, where one healthy change can lead to another or vice versa.

Is the stress of modern lifestyle taking its toll on you? Feeling under the weather and worried about getting sick?You might be wondering: How useful is meditation for immunity? Does meditation boost our immune system? What’s the interrelation between meditation and immune system?

Longing for a Healthy Immune System? Let Meditation for Immunity Help You!

In order to stay healthy and well, the human body requires all of its organs and internal systems to work together efficiently. The body requires sufficient energy to maintain a strong immune system, one of the first lines of defense against illness. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), when the human body is deficient in healthy energy (qi), it makes it easier for evil qi to invade.3

Our immune response is a reflection of the fight between healthy and evil energy. Studies have shown that the cultivation of mindfulness in daily life would eventually lead to the boost of cell-mediated defense parameters, reduction of the inflammatory response and increase enzyme that can delay the cellular aging process.4

Bodhi Meditation teaches meditation techniques to help us quickly replenish our vitality and enhance the growth of positive energy. In addition to helping improve our immunity, meditative practices help balance the energy in our body, unblocking energy flow so that all bodily systems work in harmony. 

Through guided meditation, we can cleanse our body and mind, transform troubling emotions into positive feelings, relieve the stress of daily life, and facilitate total physical and mental relaxation. 

Still have questions on meditation for immunity? Worry not! Meditation practices will equip you with sufficient positive energy that can safeguards your health. We welcome you to join us and have an experience in achieving a relaxed and cleansed mind! 

meditation for immunity

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Meditation for Immunity: Ways to Boost Immunity

Embracing Nature to Restore Health

Nature therapy, also known as ecotherapy, is the act of interacting with nature to enhance growth and healing. In recent years, forest environments have been used for recreation purposes and health promotion. Studies have found that “forest bathing” can bring about positive effects such as improving the immune system and mental health.5

Feeling tired? Afflicted? Lost? Why not embrace Mother Nature to enjoy the fresh air, sunlight and feel your feet against the ground while looking at green plants around you? After completing these activities, you will feel the negative energy in your body being eradicated. How is this happening?

How does Meditation Boost the Immune System?

Suffering from a low immunity system indicates the body is either unable to defend itself from the invasion of viruses, and may attack healthy cells by mistake. Health is more important than ever – how can we build a healthier immune system? Meditation for immunity might be the answer you’re looking for!

The foundation of this belief lies in the fact that the brain is intimately connected to every organ in the body, especially the immune system. A study has shown that meditation can alter the brain and immune system. Daily meditation practices can boost the existing antibodies to fight against and prevent potential illness.

meditation for immunity

Bodhi Meditation for Immunity

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