Bodhi Meditation Brings You Health and Happiness
Bodhi Meditation advocates utilizing meditation to boost energy, inspire compassion, and relax body and mind to achieve lasting tranquility, good health and happiness. Meditation also helps us understand the Way of Nature. This understanding, when applied in daily life, aids in reducing stress and affliction. As such, we gain better interpersonal skills and live happier and more successful lives in our relationships and careers.
When one person is healthy, a whole family’s happiness is enhanced.
When every family lives in happiness, the world will be a more beautiful place.
— Grandmaster JinBodhi 【 Bodhi Meditation’s Founder】

Grandmaster JinBodhi
Grandmaster JinBodhi was born in 1964 to a poor family and suffered ill-health from a young age. Through practicing meditation, which he began to do in childhood, he achieved a healthy body and mind and also gained the ability to help people set themselves free from suffering. In order to help bring health and happiness to all tormented by illness, pain and affliction, Grandmaster JinBodhi founded Bodhi Meditation on August 3, 1991. Since then, he has been spreading the teachings of Bodhi Meditation around the world, helping countless people enjoy healthy lives.
Meditation and Health
Meditation is the path to a healthy life as it is a comprehensive solution for a wide-ranging array of barriers to good health. Meditation increases our energy level, improves immunity, helps us lose weight, resolves insomnia, normalizes blood lipid, sugar and pressure levels, and even prevents cardiovascular diseases. Stories abound of meditation’s positive impact on people’s lives. Participants in Bodhi Meditation retreats around the world often report surprising transformations in their health during the course of the retreat.

Boost Immunity

Weight Loss