Meditation for Beginners

Meditation for Beginners: Purifies Body and Mind

Why does meditation benefit our health?” It’s hard to explain.

Imagine fetching water from a river with a transparent pail. At first, the water looks muddy. Allow time for the sediments to separate. Heavy ones sink to the bottom of the pail; lighter sediments float to the top. The water becomes clear.

The purpose of meditation is similar. Meditation techniques help us separate the complicated chaotic thoughts and feelings in the mind into several layers. Through the process of calming down, we set aside our complications and afflictions, and keep the pure, calm parts.

When we are calm, and we think things over again, we may find that things are actually really simple. Our mind is filled with too much stuff – distractions, negative emotions, intrusive thoughts, preoccupations — but once we calm down, we discover that things aren’t as bad as we thought they were.

Only when our mind is pure and calm, can it work normally. We can accept both happy or and upsetting things and untangle them more easily. If our mind is clear, our afflictions disappear automatically. Thus, we use the analogy of turbid water to describe the initial benefits of meditation for beginners.

Through this process of cleansing, meditation guides the body and mind into a state of calm and inner peace. This state allows us to truly see the world with greater clarity, unlocking our intuition, and awakening our wisdom.

Meditation works for our mind; does it also work for our health?

Our health is closely linked to our mental state: our thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and conscious choices. In fact, our health may be directly related to the purity and calmness of our mind.

The human body is complex. Every molecule or atom of the human body is composed of different elements. When we have pure, calm actions, and healthy, compassionate consciousness, we are attuned to and attract energy that brings our body health and happiness.

When our mind reaches a state of purity and peace, we can connect with boundless Universal energy. Compassion is a powerful energy, a central value and practice at Bodhi Meditation.

Through Bodhi Meditation’s meditation for beginners practices, we learn to be one with the infinite Universe and the energy of compassion. Divine compassion naturally unlocks the body’s self-healing abilities. When compassion merges with our body and mind, we unlock a happier, healthier state of being in flow with the Universe.

Even simple meditation for beginners starts to awaken our compassion and wisdom; meditation allows us to see through life’s obstacles and afflictions, gracing us with good health and happiness.

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Meditation for Beginners: Relax the Body and Mind

As it is said, look before you leap, and think before you speak. Only when we’re calm, can our wisdom arise. The process of contemplation doesn’t involve much physical activity. If the body is tense, it’s hard for the mind to relax. Thus, first silence yourself and your environment, so as to calm your mind.

Inner peace is like water in a bowl: water becomes a mirror only when it’s still.  After the process of purification and condensation, things that are originally muddy become clearer and clearer. In this way, wisdom is achieved.

Receiving energy from Heaven, Earth, and the Universe is also achieved through calming down. How can we best receive energy? By being at ease and at peace. Relax your body, slow down your rapid heartbeat, and allow chaotic noises subside, so your mind can become pure and peaceful.

The benefits of meditation are manifold. Relaxing in both body and mind helps us achieve peace, calmness, and a state of freely flowing at ease. It allows our energy to move freely, and it is how we receive the greatest energy. The more easeful and peaceful we are, the more knowledge, energy, wisdom and auspiciousness we can gain.

Let Grandmaster JinBodhi guide you through a short meditation exercise in relaxing and calming down. Gently and slowly, let the body and mind calm down. Don’t be tense or deliberate. Be relaxed and at ease. Let’s start meditating.

Energy and Purity

Primary Principles of Meditation

Meditation for Beginners: Good Health Through Visualization Meditation

There is no doubting the benefits of meditation. However, many people new to meditation are intimidated by the thought of meditation – it must be difficult to be so still for so long! The biggest and most common challenge in meditation for beginners is when the mind wanders away from the present moment.

There are many forms of meditation for calming the mind; from mantra chanting to walking meditation. Using the meditation technique of visualization, it is possible for beginners — those with no background in meditation at all — to achieve a significant state of calm. During our guided meditation sessions, Grandmaster JinBodhi will guide new practitioners through the introductory physical postures of meditation and their corresponding mental visualizations.

The combination of movement and imagination leads us to enter a deep state of tranquility and access our inner peace. As chaotic thoughts are released and we calm down, the peaceful mind is able to connect with Universal compassionate energy.

Through visualization and simple movements, we receive powerful energy from Heaven, Earth, and the Universe. When our body and mind are relaxed, we enter a meditative state of purity and compassion which dissolves and releases our illnesses, ailments, afflictions and challenges, leaving us happy and healthy.

Learn how to meditate today! Browse our comprehensive collection of online resources, our YouTube channel, or the Bodhi Meditation College website to start learning from the comfort of your own home.

Meditation for Beginners: How Energy Brings Health

As Einstein long ago proved, matter and energy are mutually interchangeable. All matter is a form of energy; perhaps even our thoughts carry energy.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), energy flow is a deciding factor in our health; when energy is blocked, pain is manifested; when energy is unblocked, pain is released.[1] The blockages refer to energy and blood being unable to flow smoothly along the body’s meridians and veins. When we lack energy or when energy isn’t flowing well, the body exists in a suboptimal state of energy, health, and fortune.

These days, we all live stressful lives. Moreover, many people’s lifestyles are chronically unhealthy — habits such as eating junk food, eating out-of-season, working overtime, too much screen time, social media, and video games, and frequently experiencing negative emotions are commonplace.

Living an imbalanced lifestyle disrupts the balance and flow of energy in the body. When our energy is spent excessively or too much to one extreme, various problems follow.

Rather than depleting our body’s energy through the unhealthy vices of modern life, meditation replenishes the body’s vital energy, promotes smooth energy flow, and naturally balances the body’s energy.

Through the calming of the mind and through guided visualization, we can help regulate and re-balance our body’s health. The purifying process of meditation is a way to help to eliminate toxic materials from both our body and mind.

Through the adjustment and regulation of our energy, meditation facilitates the recovery of physical and mental health and increases our overall energy field, attracting wellbeing, happiness, and abundance.

Meditation is an ancient practice method. It purifies not only our mind, but also our body.

