mindful visualization

Mindful visualization is also commonly known as “meditation.” Many newcomers to meditation will wonder how to get started and what to think about during visualization. Some will wonder if practicing at home will yield results. In response to these questions, this article provides a simple guide to mindful visualization that answers your questions about meditation, gets you started on the path of mindful visualization, and helps you progress rapidly through practice.

Introduction to Mindful VisualizationThree Common Mistakes Beginners Make

1. What are some common reasons for failure in mindful visualization?

The images we focus on are usually beautiful, natural and relaxing, generating peace and joy in the mind. However, some beginners have bad experiences with visualization and even choose to give up. Here are three common reasons for failure in mindful visualization:

  • Anxious, upset mood
  • Interference from the external environment
  • Being too hungry or full

The above situations may make it difficult to clear your mind and will affect the meditation experience. When you meditate for the first time, it is recommended to select a clean and quiet place and a time when you’re in a good mood. Try not to be influenced by your emotional fluctuations. In addition, during the visualization process, don’t worry too much even if you are distracted; just gather your thoughts back to the present, and slowly reenter the visualization by being relaxed.

2. Can I practice mindful visualization at home?

As mindful visualization grows in popularity, information about it in various forms is increasingly accessible to the public. For the sake of convenience, many people choose to try the practice at home without doing much research. However, mindful visualization is a very methodical practice; improper methods can produce negative effects such as trembling, panic and even loss of touch with reality, potentially causing harm to the body and mind. Therefore, if you wish to learn mindful visualization, it is advisable to seek a professional teacher’s guidance or participate in a formal meditation course. By receiving professional guidance, you are assured of achieving good results.

3. Where should I go to study mindful visualization?

Bodhi Meditation is a wonderfully supportive place for beginners to learn safe, efficient and correct methods. Grandmaster JinBodhi, the founder of Bodhi Meditation, has practiced meditation with many famous masters since childhood and along the way obtained in-depth knowledge and experience of meditation. He is a great contemporary achiever in the realm of profound meditation practices. The various meditation methods taught by him are all based on his decades of experience, so these methods are both safe and effective; even beginners can easily achieve a state of purity and tranquility.

Bodhi Meditation’s methods include The Meditation of Purity, a sitting meditation, and The Meditation of Greater Illumination, a standing meditation. You can download and listen to meditation music or purchase meditation CDs to enhance your learning process on the Cibeiyin website.

Visualization Practice|A Beginner’s Guide to “The Meditation of Purity”

Practice Meditation

The Meditation of Purity is one of the sitting practices in Bodhi Meditation. It replaces all thoughts with a single thought, leading practitioners to clarify mental complexities, naturally blend into the state of purity and stillness, and gain health and wisdom through tranquility.

Let us relax our bodies, calm our hearts, clear our minds, sit cross-legged or on a chair, and experience The Meditation of Purity with the guidance and blessing of Grandmaster JinBodhi.

[Sample music link: The Meditation of Purity (English Chinese MP3)]

Meditation GuidanceThree Tips on Mindful Visualization

1. Environment, clothing, diet, mood, and weather

  • Environment: Choose a quiet and safe environment for meditation
  • Clothing: Wear loose, comfortable, natural fabrics. If the weather is cold or if you’re meditating in an air-conditioned room, dress warmly.
  • Diet: It is not recommended to be hungry or full when meditating. Usually, it is advisable to meditate half an hour after a meal.
  • Mood: Do not attempt to meditate while in the grip of intense emotional states such as anger, sadness, excitement, etc. Adjust your mind to a state of peace, relaxation and tranquility first in order to see results from mindful visualization.
  • Weather: It is recommended to avoid meditating during bad weather such as thunder and lightning.

2. Gradually increase daily meditation time

We recommend that beginners increase their daily meditation time gradually. Beginners can start by meditating for 10 to 15 minutes, getting used to the rhythm and building concentration. After you get accustomed to the practice, you can meditate for more than 30 minutes daily to achieve better results.

3. Choosing a beginners’ course in mindful visualization

Mindful visualization is an internal practice during which various sensations will be felt. Besides wonderful experiences, some negative feelings are also bound to occur. For beginners, choosing the right course is important. When choosing a course, pay special attention to the following:

● Choose a professional and experienced mentor who can answer your questions in a timely manner and reduce the obstacles that can arise during the meditation process.

● The mindful-visualization course should be safe, effective and unbiased.

● The course must have a well-designed schedule and go from simple to deeper gradually to help you build a solid foundation for further practice.

● The course should include a complete closing exercise that follows the practices to harvest more comprehensive health effects from the mindful visualization.

Bodhi Meditation CoursesSimple, Safe, Effective

Bodhi Meditation, an international meditation organization founded by the great contemporary practitioner Grandmaster JinBodhi, has established Bodhi Meditation Centers in more than a dozen countries and regions. The centers offer various foundational meditation courses including Health & Happiness Retreats, Chanting Retreats and Stress-Relief Classes. All course sessions are led by professional mentors who can answer your questions and put to rest your doubts. The courses are carefully designed to guide students to learn meditation and mindful visualization via a step-by-step process. Each meditation exercise is taught according to a precise protocol and is followed by a complete closing exercise.

The various visualization methods taught in Bodhi Meditation’s courses are all extraordinary tantric practices handed down by Grandmaster JinBodhi. These methods enable beginners with no foundation to easily achieve a state of purity and tranquility. Bodhi Meditation’s mindful-visualization courses offer the following three major benefits:

  1. Easy to learn, simple to practice – everyone can get started regardless of gender, age or religion.
  2. Remarkable results – most students benefit greatly from meditation classes in just a few days.
  3. Safe to practice – Bodhi Meditation has benefited tens of millions of students worldwide for nearly 30 years.

Contact your local Bodhi Meditation Center to learn about group practices and meditation-course schedules. Follow Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook page and YouTube channel to watch relevant teaching videos, get the latest updates, and participate in online courses.

Further reading:

What benefits will people get by taking meditation classes?

The benefits of meditation: Achieve inner peace and dispel distracting thoughts