Many cultures believe in talismans or rituals to ward off evil and protect one from negative energy. Different cultures and religions may have different chants for protection, but what they have in common are their ability and intention.

Chanting is a form of meditation where a certain syllable or phrase is repeated to help the practitioner connect to divine energy or a higher power.

Monks chanting to seek protection with their hands closed

Benefits of Buddhist Chants

Many Buddhists chant as a form of meditative practice and as a way to assist them in their everyday lives. 

How to Do Buddhist Chants for Protection?

Space-up: Choose a chant in Asian or English. You may locate online recordings of every tradition’s sound. Create a quiet environment with an altar, statue, scroll, or image. Optional: Place a chanting bell beside your meditation cushion or seat, facing the altar.

Body-Mind-Ready: Prepare body-mind with quiet meditation. Bow and take up the chant to end the meditation. If you have no book, a stiff card may assist. Raise the chant above your head and bow. Ring the bell and relax before chanting.

Chant Out: The chanting becomes powerful when you let go of the split mind’s urge to dominate reality. Please focus on the chant’s tone rather than its meaning. The message will emerge as you develop your chanting and achieve oneness beyond words. 

6 Chants for Protection to Improve Your Life 

So, let’s explore the six chants for the protection of your personal growth and development:

1. The Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Heart Mantra

The Earth Store Bodhisattva is known as Ksitigarbha in Sanskrit and Di Zang Wang Pusa in Mandarin Chinese. The Earth Store Bodhisattva is revered for his vow to rescue all sentient beings trapped in hell.

The Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Heart Mantra is “Om hahaha vismaya svaha.” Each syllable contains boundless celestial light to dispel darkness and bring auspiciousness and blessings to all sentient beings. You’ll be protected from harm when you listen to or sing the mantra and showered with serenity, contentment, good fortune, health, virtues, and enlightenment. If you want to get rid of bad karma, improve your prosperity, and live longer, then you should pray for the blessing of the Earth Store Bodhisattva. 

The Earth Store Bodhisattva will also bless and deliver the souls of the dead from the realms of evil if we chant for them. Chanting the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Heart Mantra may protect departed loved ones from the evil realms and help them reincarnate into a better life. It’s recommended that you spend at least an hour doing this every day, and more than two hours is ideal.

2. Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra

The Medicine Buddha, or Bhaisajyaguru in Sanskrit and Yao Shi Fo in Mandarin Chinese, is the Buddha of the Eastern Lapis Lazuli Pure Land. The Medicine Buddha made twelve great vows to help all beings be freed from suffering and attain health, prosperity, and enlightenment. By reciting or chanting the Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra, we may feel a connection with the Buddha and receive divine protection, blessings, and the fulfillment of our wishes.

The Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra is one of the chants for protection from sickness, disease, pain, and poverty, as well as greed, evil, and ignorance. Many people also chant to Medicine Buddha in hopes they will one day be reincarnated in the Medicine Buddha’s Eastern Lapis Lazuli Pure Land, a celestial realm on the path to enlightenment.

The key to getting the best results from chanting is sincerity. It’s imperative that you keep focused during chanting, repent your wrongdoings, and ask Buddha for guidance and blessings. 

3. Chanting to Avalokitesvara

The Bodhisattva of Compassion is known by several names, including Avalokiteshvara, Guanyin, and the Kuan Yin Pusa. Like a mother, Guanyin is always there to listen to us, protect us from harm, and fulfill our needs. She takes care of us when we ask her for help and ensures we have what we need to live.

Listening to or chanting Avalokitesvara is a great form of meditation. Grandmaster JinBodhi’s voice infuses the music with joy, compassion, and good fortune. Enjoy stress reduction, better sleep, spiritual awakening, and increased lifespan brought on by the healing energy and effects of chanting meditation.

A monk chanting alone for protection

4. Chanting to Sakyamuni Buddha

Sakyamuni Buddha, the historical Buddha, is also known as Gautama Buddha or Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo in Mandarin Chinese. Chanting to Sakyamuni Buddha can release us from adversity and provide us with health and prosperity.

It was Sakyamuni Buddha’s vow to achieve enlightenment to free all sentient beings from pain and suffering and live in joy and happiness. He taught compassion, to see and serve the universe with compassionate thoughts and actions.

5. Guru Rinpoche’s Heart Mantra

Guru Rinpoche is a central figure in Tibetan Buddhism, also known as Padmasambhava. His eternal dharma power, compassion, wisdom, and the soothing melody of this therapeutic chant transcend time and place to reach the listener’s soul. This relaxing music is ideal for regular meditation. Meditating to it or chanting it aloud may have lasting effects.

A recitation of this mantra can alleviate mental and physical suffering, bring auspiciousness, and eliminate disasters. Allow yourself to be bathed in the music’s healing radiance as it restores your health, clears your thoughts, and helps you gain insight.

6. The Six-Syllable Mantra

The Six-Syllable Mantra calls on Guanyin Bodhisattva’s (Avalokitesvara) compassion. It consists of the six sounds: ‘Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum.’ When spoken, the Six-Syllable Mantra is like a beacon of light, connecting each of us with the rest of humanity and the entire universe.

Wisdom is represented by the light radiating from the crown of the head, kindness and compassion shine from the heart, and fidelity to the commandments, diligence, and avoidance of greed are represented by light shining from the reproductive organs. Our whole body, including legs, arms, and hands, is bathed in light.

While repeating these chants for protection, visualize your whole body aglow, as see-through as a crystal or diamond. To be transparent is to be without blemish—an improved method of increasing one’s health, wellness, and dharma strength as well.

Practice Chants for Protection to Boost Your Energy!

Try chanting to boost your energy and protect yourself from negative energy and misfortune. It’s a simple form of meditation suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. Relax, don’t worry about anything, and put your sincerity and focus into chanting. After chanting, you’ll feel less stressed and more positive, and your face will glow with health and vitality. Chanting is a great cultivation method to gain the protection and blessing of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and enjoy great fortune and auspiciousness. To reap the full rewards, your chanting should be consistent and thorough.

Along these lines, Bodhi Meditation welcomes people of all ages interested in learning and practicing chants for protection and improving their lives. Get in touch with your local Bodhi Meditation center to sign up for a free 7-day chanting class to learn and improve your chanting meditation in a great environment with dedicated teachers and a supportive community!