The core of feng shui is “energy” and “qi”. Therefore, we often hear the saying, “The place that can store wind and gather energy is good feng shui.” Bad feng shui caused by T-junctions or corner houses refers to a strong impact energy field between the road and the house. The main purpose of the road is commuting, so it will naturally form a wind force. When this powerful energy hits a house, it will easily destroy the balance and harmony of the house’s qi, thus negatively affecting people’s health, wealth, and luck. Therefore, when choosing a house or buying one, it is necessary to avoid “T-junctions or corner houses”.

Bad Feng Shui of Corner Houses

What are corner houses? For example, your house faces a street, or when you stand in the house and look out the window, no matter which floor, it feels as if the cars on the road are rushing towards you. When the traffic appears to pass under your feet, that is also a “corner house”.

The “corner house” is the last house in a row of houses. Many people like to buy corner houses, mainly because they usually cover a large area and the advantages include more windows, good lighting, and stunning architecture. You can buy a corner house, but you should determine if the street next to the house is a main street or a quiet road. It is suggested that you avoid the main streets as much as possible. However, if it is a quiet road, it is best to place some protection in your house.

Resolution Methods

  1. Avoid main streets.
  2. Decoration is not only beautiful, but can effectively prevent bad feng shui.

How Do High-rise Buildings Resolve Bad Feng Shui?

The flow of energy and qi does not differentiate between high and low buildings. So how should people living above the second floor or on top floors resolve bad feng shui? Grandmaster JinBodhi shares a simple method:

“For homes above the second floor, you can place a big ‘treasure collecting vase’ to dispel the bad feng shui. For example, place several large jars or treasure collecting vase where qi is most dense, near the door to the balcony in the master bedroom or near the balcony. This jar needs to be large and heavy. If your jar is not heavy enough, you can add a few stones to it. Use the stones’ energy to dispel evil qi or spirits.”

The Bad Feng Shui of “T-junction Houses”

Bad feng shui affects health and wealth. The strongest bad feng shui is in “T-junction houses”. It means the front of your gate is facing a straight road and it will have an invisible negative energy flowing through your house, as powerful as an arrow.

A “road” is a dynamic magnetic field. A “house” is a static magnetic field, where we relax. If a road goes straight to your home, it violates the good feng shui. The longer and narrower the road, the stronger the energy of the collision. The taller the buildings on both sides of the road, the stronger the energy of the collision. Regardless of whether the T-junction is in the front, rear, or side of the house, it is not good feng shui and is not suitable for commercial offices or residential use.

★ Resolution Methods

The solution to resolving the T-junction houses’ bad feng shui may not be as simple as adding some stones to block it. So, here are some suggestions for your reference:

  1. Sell your house and move.
  2. Consult feng shui experts to help you solve the problems.
  3. It is recommended that such houses not be used as a regular or main residence.

The Bad Feng Shui of “Curved Houses”

In addition, what is particularly unfavorable is a house located near a curve in the road, which professionals call “bad feng shui of curves”. When a car maneuvers a curve in the road, it will naturally generate an energy that pulls outward. When it comes to traffic accidents, curves are the most frequent points of accidents. If the driver neglects the principle of safe driving on a curve, accidents such as drifting, collision, or rollover are prone to occur. In this case, houses nearby are particularly dangerous, especially those on the outside of the curve.

Resolution methods:

Build walls, place stones, cornucopias, or plant tall trees near bends in the road.

Accumulating Virtues and Merits to Create a Treasure Land of Feng Shui

It is very important to have good fortune because only fortunate people can live in a place with good feng shui. An open space has no good or bad feng shui. However, once a house is built, the door is opened, the air flows, you should be careful about the qi field. Under the interaction of different qi fields, good and bad feng shui is produced.

However, all things have spirits, and so does feng shui. If we want to obtain true health, longevity, wealth, and auspiciousness, in addition to improving the feng shui of the house, the most important thing is to have “merit” and “blessing” so that the energy field of goodness can resonate harmoniously with it. Everything is integrated, and your home can naturally be transformed into an auspicious treasure land with good feng shui.

Want to be an auspicious person? Listen to what Grandmaster JinBodhi says: How to change fate?