Are you happy with your weight?

Huizi and Xiaoying are working hard to lose weight.

Huizi: Today I’m a kilogram heavier. How is that possible?!

Xiaoying: It must be the heavy shoes you’re wearing today. In fact, maybe you didn’t gain any weight at all; maybe you lost weight.

Huizi: That’s right, I was wearing boots when I weighed myself today.

This is a common conversation. The ups and downs of our mood are tied to the numbers on the scale.

“You look great. Have you lost weight” is a common greeting, with weight loss a popular topic of discussion. In a culture where thin is seen as beautiful, how many people can calmly face the embarrassment of not finding clothes that fit? They worry that they’ve lost their charm and self-confidence, and that they’ll have serious health problems related to excess weight.

Diet pills, liposuction, dieting… Almost all kinds of weight loss methods have been tried, but none of them work.

Are you still wondering how to lose weight? Don’t worry, we are here to introduce a method that’s easy and relaxing with no side effects. If you continue practicing this method, I believe that you will soon become happy, healthy, and beautiful!

Discussion: Weight loss starts today

1. Should I continue my weight loss journey?

A letter from a friend named Love:

After reading the weight loss columns in the last issue, I knew I needed to lose weight, otherwise my appearance and my health would be affected.

So, I made up my mind to begin some weight loss methods, such as diet and exercise. However, after more than 20 days, the effect was minimal. I started to waver and doubted whether I could lose weight successfully. Should I keep going? Hope to hear from you.


Actually, having these thoughts is normal. People want to see results after putting in time and effort. There is no need to continue things that don’t produce results. Wouldn’t that be a waste of time? I understand your uncertainty, but think about it: Exercise enhances blood circulation, and a controlled diet can help relax your stomach and intestines; these are all beneficial to your health. So, you are already on your way to becoming healthier. When a person starts smoking, he is walking a road that leads to health problems. In contrast, you’ve started your health journey and you’re already on your way to health and successful weight loss. Keep up the good work!

Note: The importance of weight loss is explained in detail in the last issue of the magazine. Please check it out if you need to know whether weight loss is necessary.

2. I need you in my future

A letter from a wife who loves her husband:

What is the most effective way for men to lose weight? My husband is too fat. He is 1.72 meters tall and weighs over 90 kg. His belly is as big as a woman who is eight-months pregnant. Recently, my husband was diagnosed with diabetes caused by obesity, which made my mother-in-law and sister very anxious. Every day they nag him to lose weight. I am also anxious and worried about his health. We haven’t had any children yet. If he doesn’t lose weight, it may affect the next generation.


Weight loss is not restricted to women. Men also need to lose weight in order to be healthy. It’s not healthy to get heavier day by day. For men, most of the fat is usually stored in the abdomen. A “beer belly” is an unavoidable problem for many men; that’s why men are prone to illnesses caused by obesity. As of now, more than 15 fatal diseases have been directly related to abdominal obesity, including coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebral thrombosis, and so on. Obesity poses a threat to men’s health and quality of life.

Your husband’s situation is common. If you don’t pay attention to it, it might be harmful to his health and any future generations. The method recommended in the last issue might be helpful:

Drinking water after getting up in the morning and before every meal can control food intake, thereby controlling weight. In addition, prostration can effectively burn off abdominal fat and improve systemic microcirculation. For detailed methods, please read about the 4-in-1 weight loss method recommended in this issue. Note that diabetics require a special diet, so you should both plan food for him accordingly!

We wish your husband a successful weight loss journey and hope that you have a baby soon!

Is there a better and more lasting way to lose weight?

Like friend Love, tens of millions of people implement weight loss plans every year. If they don’t persevere, the weight loss effect will not be effective. In addition to perseverance, proper methods are important. The appropriate method is key to losing weight effectively while maintaining health.

In this issue, we are launching the 4-in-1 weight loss method. Many people have verified that this method is effective and healthy. How does it work? First, prepare four simple magic tools: a small bowl, a water bottle, an elastic belt, and a yoga mat.

Magic tool 1: A small bowl

Generally, obese people have a hearty appetite. They have a strong desire to eat when they see food, and they eat quickly; therefore, on average, they eat much more than those who have an appropriate body weight. Normally, the brain sends out a signal to stop eating 15 to 20 minutes after people are actually full, and thereby people with an insatiable appetite have already ingested excessive amounts of food before the signal is sent, which means excess calories are converted to fat and stored in the body.

In order to lose weight, people need to reduce food intake and regulate their diet. Even though your food intake is moderate, excess calories and food high in sugar can cause weight gain; your body will convert excess calories and sugar into fat and store it. High-fiber foods can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and are easy to digest. Eat more leafy green vegetables that are low calories and rich in fiber.

Fried foods and food containing high calories and sugar are the main culprits of weight gain. Excessive processing reduces the nutritional value contained in the food, which is not beneficial to health and weight control. These foods are not easy to digest and increase the burden on the digestive system, thereby causing digestive issues over time.

Plan a reasonable diet with diverse vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and easy-to-digest soups, which are nutritious and easy to prepare.

Therefore, with a balanced, reasonable, and diversified diet, weight loss is actually not painful!

Suggestions: Buy a small bowl that suits your food intake. You can bring it with you to ensure you eat a fixed amount. No matter how tempting the food is, eat only one bowlful at each meal, enough to be 60% to 70% full.

Magic tool 2: Water bottle

Water is the source of life, and all life activities of the human body are inseparable from water. For the human body, water not only transports various nutrients within the body, but also directly participates in the body’s metabolism. Therefore, ensuring adequate water intake is essential for a body to function optimally.

Generally, a person needs to drink six to eight glasses of water a day to effectively remove the waste and toxins from the intestines, excrete harmful substances from the body, reduce the stimulation of certain pathogenic factors on the intestines, and reduce stool retention and the absorption of harmful substances and damage to the intestinal mucosa. Drinking enough water replenishes bodily fluids, which effectively moisturize and nourish the skin. Staying hydrated ensures our health.

However, this is not to say that the more water you drink, the better. The human body is a complete and coordinated system. If you drink too much water, you can burden the kidneys which can cause water retention and discomfort.

Suggestions: Drink a glass of water about 10 minutes before each meal. The water temperature should be room temperature. For those who are obese, remember to drink a glass of water upon waking in the morning. For people with severe constipation, add some salt or vinegar to the water.

Magic tool 3: Elastic belt

Most people who are obese have a hearty appetite and often unconsciously eat too much. Sometimes they feel that exercise is difficult and dieting too painful; therefore, unknowingly they relax these demands on themselves. As a result, the muffin top that disappeared appears again.

Suggestions: Wear an elastic belt about 10 cm less than a comfortable width; ensure that the belt doesn’t affect your breathing or digestion. When you eat, it will prevent you from overindulging. Give it a try. It works.

Magic tool 4: A mat

Whether you need to lose weight, strengthen your body, maintain energy, or improve your quality of life, you need to exercise. Appropriate exercise can ensure good sleep and strong muscles, improve cardiopulmonary and cardiovascular system, strengthen the body’s immunity, reduce the chance of the body being attacked by various pathogenic factors, effectively regulate the body’s circulatory system and relieve fatigue and stress. Choose an activity that suits you, integrate that into your life, and move towards health.

When choosing an exercise to lose weight, it is best to choose aerobic exercise with a relaxing rhythm. Strenuous exercise is not suitable for those who are obese as it can quickly increase the heart’s workload.

Strenuous exercise can easily cause injuries to relevant joints. In order to lose weight and remain healthy, choose yoga, jogging, brisk walking, or other activities that require less energy.

Suggestions: prepare a mat, such as a yoga mat, of appropriate size to practice prostration every day. Prostration is a full-body exercise that works the major joints and big muscle groups, enhances organ function, and revives sluggish digestive and excretory systems. It helps the body burn fat and gently expels toxins, which is beneficial to weight loss. For a more detailed introduction to prostration, please refer to the JinBodhi Class on Prostration: A Practical Magical Method.

The 4-in-1 weight loss method is a comprehensive and holistic method that ensures you lose weight in a healthy and systematic way. While losing weight, you will be physically stronger and mentally sharper; you’ll become slimmer and healthier. For friends who wish to lose weight, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and take action!