Are you experiencing acid reflux again? Do you always rush through breakfast with just a cup of coffee because of your busy life? Due to your fast-paced and high-pressure lifestyle, are you suffering discomfort such as a tightness in your chest, chest pain, coughing, bad breath, sore throat, hoarse voice, or difficulty breathing? Do you frequently experience heartburn after meals? If you are experiencing some of the mentioned discomforts, it could be acid reflux.

Causes of Acid Reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or more commonly known as acid reflux, is a common disease. Normally, when we swallow, the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes to allow food to enter the stomach. However, it remains closed when not swallowing. If the lower esophageal sphincter fails to open properly, stomach acid can flow back into the esophagus, throat, or mouth. So, what are the causes of acid reflux symptoms? According to data from several major hospitals in Taiwan, the following five major factors can contribute to this condition:

1. Drug Usage:

Taking certain medications for chronic diseases can also lead to acid reflux because they reduce the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter. Examples of such medications include muscle relaxants, aspirin, sedatives, anti-asthma drugs, and some anti-hypertensive drugs.

2. Dietary Habits:

Drinking alcohol, frequently eating fatty foods or addictive foods, such as sweets, chocolate, coffee, tea, sodas and spicy foods, etc., and frequently eating late-night snacks can stimulate gastric acid secretion and further increase the burden on the stomach. Poor lifestyle habits, such as lying down immediately after eating, can also cause food to flow back from the stomach to the esophagus.

3. Obesity:

Obese individuals typically face one similar problem: the stomach and esophagus are often compressed, causing the lower esophageal sphincter to open and increasing the likelihood of acid reflux.

4. Emotional Stress:

Excessive emotional stress or having long-term anxiety or tension can disrupt normal gastrointestinal function.

5. Other Causes:

Other common causes of acid reflux include pregnancy, asthma, smoking, or diabetes.

Dietary Habits to Prevent Acid Reflux


In addition to drug treatment, diet and a lifestyle adjustment are two important keys to prevent acid reflux.

a) Refrain from Eating Highly Acidic Food

Fruits that are high acidity, such as lemons, grapefruits, and oranges, can stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, causing it to surge into the esophagus. In addition, fruits rich in enzymes, such as papayas, can cause irritation to the gastric and intestinal mucosa when consumed on an empty stomach, so it is recommended to eat them after a meal.

b) Eat More Vegetables and Whole Grains

Long-term constipation is also one of the causes of acid reflux. Eating fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, promote bowel movements, and prevent an increase in abdominal pressure caused by constipation, thereby relieving the problem of acid reflux. However, it is also important to avoid vegetables and grains that are prone to gas production, such as cabbage, onions, sweet potatoes, and yams.

c) Chew your Food Thoroughly

Eating too quickly and not chewing enough before swallowing can cause the stomach and esophagus to expand within a short time, which can also cause acid reflux. Moreover, eating too quickly can also lead to weight gain and raise the risk of diabetes.

Relieving Acid Reflux Discomforts

i. Using Drugs

The symptoms of acid reflux can vary in severity, and the medications used to treat it can be broadly classified into two categories: acid suppressants and acid inhibitors. However, contemporary medications may also bring side effects, such as headaches, fatigue, and nausea.

ii. Practice Meditation

Studies have shown that meditation is beneficial to both physical and mental health, and that is the reason for meditation’s popularity in Western countries. Nowadays it is common to find meditation rooms in international airports, which allow people to take a break from their busy schedules. In addition, famous individuals, such as Steve Jobs, Richard Gere, and Konosuke Matsushita, have incorporated meditation into their daily lives to achieve relaxation, stress relief, and self-regulation.

Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believe that all diseases arise from qi (vital energy). Grandmaster JinBodhi once said that many illnesses are caused by poor circulation or blockages, to which TCM practitioners refer as the main cause of all ailments. In meditation, practitioners go through a process of mind purification, and this process is like turning a bucket of muddy water into clear water. This sedimentation process helps meditation practitioners clear their negative thoughts, stress, anxiety, and depression. When the mind and body are purified, symptoms caused by stress can naturally regulate and overall health can improve.

Are You Suffering from Acid Reflux Again?

The following is a meditation sharing from Tsui.I began to suffer from acid reflux when I turned 40. When I woke up in the morning, it always felt like phlegm was stuck in my throat. As a result, my gastrointestinal function and absorption were not good. Not only was I physically weak and easily tired, but I also could not work for a long time.

The stimulation of stomach acid also caused me to experience severe lower abdomen pain, and I’d gone to the emergency room several times because of it. I’d woken up in the middle of the night in pain and written a will while looking at my sleeping children, wondering how long I would be with them; that was how intense the pain was.

At the age of 50, after participating in the first Health & Happiness Retreat at Bodhi Meditation, I deeply experienced a comfortable warmth that replaced the uncomfortable burning sensation in my stomach. I was surprised to find that Bodhi Meditation actually saved me!

After that, I began practicing Energy Bagua. At first, I didn’t sweat much. Later, I was sweating profusely even when practicing in the chilly winter. As my metabolism rate increased, my physical condition also improved, and my energy was restored. After meditating for a year, the phlegm in my throat and the acid reflux problem disappeared one after another, and what made me happiest was that the unexplained pain in my lower abdomen was also gone.

How is it possible that one recovers in such a comprehensive and miraculous way? According to Tsui, meditation activated the self-healing mechanism in her body and freed her from illness. “Besides Bodhi meditation, what else could have created such a miracle?”

(Results of Practicing Energy Bagua May Vary Individually)


The problem of acid reflux has caused trouble for many people for a long time; affecting sleep and breathing, and reducing work efficiency and quality of life. While medication may alleviate and relieve the discomforts caused by acid reflux, treating the root cause of the problem should be the priority. Besides seeking help from medical professionals, meditation is another option worth trying. Through meditation, we allow our minds to settle to achieve better health physically and mentally. As we receive energy from Heaven and Earth, we can replenish energy, get rid of stress, and naturally improve our health.